MCTD Early Childhood Course Descriptions

Summer Session

Child Development

Analyze the basic theories and stages of child development as outlined in the works of major child development theorists. Coursework will highlight the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children. Current research on child development will be presented by guest lecturers.

Montessori Philosophy

Participate in a series of lectures, discussions, and media experiences about the historical perspectives and key components of the Montessori Method through Maria Montessori’s own writings. Focus will be on the nature of young children, the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, spiritual and moral development, freedom and independence, the prepared environment, the role of the teacher, and the process of normalization.

Practical Life

Study the philosophy and rationale of Practical Life. Adult Learners will broaden their understanding of the control of movement, care of self, care of the environment, food and nutrition, grace and courtesy, and ground rules.


Discover the uses of the Sensorial materials and strengthen your understanding of both the education and refinement of the senses in children. Topics of study will include: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory, and stereognostic senses.

Academic Year


Examine the fascinating Montessori Math materials which focus on the development of the child’s mathematical mind. Adult Learners will be introduced to the concepts of numeration, linear counting, the decimal system, the four basic operations in math, fractions, and memorization of basic arithmetic facts.


Identify the developmental needs of the young child within the scope and sequence of the Montessori Language materials. Topics include receptive and expressive language, visual and auditory perception training, vocabulary development, pre-reading activities, reading, writing, functions of words, children’s literature, and drama. Guest lecturers and hands-on practice will be offered in specific areas.

Cultural Subjects

Social Studies

Explore the many ways children can learn about the world’s cultural diversity and physical geography, including world and personal history, land and water forms, maps and globes, and much more.

Physical and Life Science

Learn the philosophy and rationale of science in the Montessori curriculum. Adult learners will study botany, zoology, earth elements, and physical science.


Accumulate wonderful ideas and techniques for preparing a classroom art environment for 2½ to 6-year-olds. Techniques and resources presented are intended to entice and inspire the Montessori teacher to nurture artistic creation, exploration, and appreciation.


Understand what is most important to children ages 2½ to 6 in music and movement, regardless of previous experience. Tools for engaging young children in this important area of self-expression will be shared throughout the course. Areas covered include: philosophy, singing, rhythmic skills, music appreciation, body awareness, locomotor skills, stationary and line activities, and the importance of movement in the classroom

Student Teaching Seminars (STS)

STS directly support the Adult Learner’s role as a Montessori Intern with regard to classroom management, curriculum, ongoing observation, and professional behavior.

Classroom Leadership/Management

Acquire understanding of the importance of classroom management and how to implement the Montessori principles in a classroom setting. Topics covered include: preparation of the environment, scheduling and curriculum planning, evaluation of children, techniques for discipline, communication, and problem-solving.

Parent Involvement

Examine the parent-teacher-child relationship and the importance of mutual trust, respect, and communication. Adult Learners will reflect on how they were parented and how to create a partnership that will assist in the development of a successful parent-child relationship. Through role-play and dialogue, the Instructor will present various models for parent interactions, including parent meetings, telephone calls, and how to conduct successful parent-teacher conferences.


Obtain an overview of licensing requirements for school programs, day-to-day administrative issues, organizational structure of schools, budgeting, the role of consultants, and accreditation.


Develop the necessary skills to utilize direct observation as a primary tool for studying children and as an aid in developing teaching strategies tailored to individual needs and classroom dynamics. Obtain an understanding of Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of observation and learn the difference between objective observation techniques and the narrative style of reporting. Adult Learners will be provided the framework for observation and reflection that promotes connections between theory and practice. Observations in Montessori settings using a variety of techniques will be expected.