This month, we’d like to introduce you to one of our MCTD alums, Katherine Emire-Nieves. Katherine completed the MCTD program in 2018 and is currently a Montessori teacher at the Short Hills campus of The Montessori Children’s Academy in New Jersey. Katherine is a perfect example of how the Montessori philosophy is really a way of life. She first entered the Montessori community as a parent of a Montessori student, but then chose to further her understanding of the complete philosophy through training in our TEP, ultimately achieving her goal not only to live a Montessori life with her own family, but also to share the beauty of Montessori with others as a teacher. Here we present Katherine’s words about her experience, which she was happy to share to provide inspiration and insight to anyone who might be seeking to join a Montessori community of their own.

I believe that Montessori finds you.  While I could explain the very indirect path which led me to getting my Montessori certification, in the end, it boils down to choosing to align myself with a set of educational values which I strongly believe in.  I was first a Montessori parent, and I am now a Montessori teacher, because I respect children and I know that each and every child in this world deserves to be educated in a loving, caring environment where his or her needs are met and the child’s natural, inborn love of learning can be nurtured and inspired.  The Montessori Method goes beyond that and includes a unique and proven method for helping the child create himself intellectually as he is innately, spiritually, inclined to do.  Montessori preschool is no ordinary school, nor is it a form of daycare.  Its unique manipulatives and lessons offer children a myriad of ways in which to learn practical skills, to gain an understanding of the world around them and the culture of which they are a part, and to learn language, math, and science.  In the special Montessori environment, the child learns how to focus and concentrate.  Children come to understand how they should be treated and how to treat others.  They discover how to be both independent and responsible.  To witness this learning is to experience the extraordinary; to guide a child in this learning environment is to be richly rewarded.

For anyone interested in the Montessori Method, I will say this:  it is an amazing educational model created by a genius with a keen mind and a tireless commitment to the spiritual well-being of children and the future of humanity.  The Montessori Center for Teacher Development strives to uphold the highest Montessori ideals when educating its Adult Learners.  It provides a quality Montessori education for its trainees, in alignment with the standards set forth by The American Montessori Society.  Its staff of experienced Montessori educators is positive and supportive.  MCTD has the added benefit of being associated with three Montessori schools, which often provide a training ground for Adult Learners doing their internships, as well as future potential job opportunities for graduates. 

My own personal experience with this training program has been one of tremendous growth, filled with challenges and enjoyment.  It has been both a wonderful and at times, frustrating learning experience.  The Montessori philosophy is inspirational.  Its values of practical knowledge and respect (for oneself, for others, for the Montessori materials, and for the environment within and outside of the classroom) made me feel at ease, as they are in alignment with the values of my upbringing.  Yet, mastering knowledge of the sheer volume of core Montessori works, as well as retraining myself to slow down in the classroom and refrain from hindering the children’s independence, has required a concerted and conscious effort on my part.  Learning how to be the “Directress” of a Montessori ‘prepared environment’ takes time and hard work, and it requires the shedding of many of one’s own habits and expectations for the purpose of a higher ideal.  While challenging, I found MCTD to provide the support and guidance needed to both understand and succeed in learning the Montessori approach with children in the classroom.

Having come ‘full circle’, I truly appreciate my Montessori learning journey at MCTD.  Whether I choose to move from my current position as a Teacher to become a Head Teacher in the future, or set my sights on other ways to constructively use my Montessori credentials, I am better for having become a part of the Montessori community and all the gifts it has to give.